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'A book is a gift you can open again and again and again!'
Although we couldn't all spend World Book Day together we still managed to celebrate. Throughout the day the children were invited to design book marks and book tokens as well as enjoying some time to share their favourite books. Children in EYFS became authors and illustrators and wrote their own adventure stories, while the children in KS2 sewed polar bears inspired by their class book. We ended the day by joining together to compete in a book related Zoom quiz.

In EYFS and Key Stage One we started our theme of animals with a 2 week study on polar bears and Animal Town. We have read a range of non-fiction books, enjoyed painting, crafting, snowy winter walks and playtime outdoors . We have also completed some amazing maths, phonics and writing. Next we are moving onto a 2 week project on Brown Bears.

Children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 have been on a bear hunt. We explored the book through role play, art work and story telling. The children at home and in school have written their own story based on We're Going on a Bear Hunt. 

As a school we decided to spend this period of lockdown studying the same theme: animals.

So even though we may not be together we are all thinking and learning about the same.

We look forward to sharing our learning with you.


In Key Stage Two, we began by discussing the five animal classes. Our learning path will be to focus on each animal classification group in turn.

We began with 'Birds'.

We have researched different birds, written short stories and poems as well as created birds we like out of different natural materials.


The children in Key Stage 2, both at home and in school, have been researching, investigating and writing about reptiles. We are looking forward to moving onto our next animal topic (fish) next week .

We have been working hard reading, researching and writing about the animal classification: fish. Some of the excellent pieces of writing have already been published on Pobble ( which you are welcome to read).
We hope you enjoy what we have created .